From Chinatown, With Love

2021 Lunar New Year Calendar Project

Creative direction, styling, and photography for a 12-month Calendar booklet, given away for free with store purchases to honor Chinese tradition of free lunar calendars. This project was produced during the Winter of 2020-’21 to bring attention and foot traffic back to our local small businesses that have been suffering from lack of sales and funding due to pandemic misinformation and anti-Asian hate attacks.


Made with support by Abrons Arts Center, The W.O.W. Project, Welcome to Chinatown, and The Met featuring 18 local small businesses in Manhattan Chinatown.
Documentary photography by Sean Chee | Calendar illustrations by Sonya Han

2025 Lunar New Year Calendar Project

Photography and styling for a landscape tapestry Calendar with graphic design by Midnight Project. In this large composition, various products from the 25 participating small businesses in this year’s mutual aid project are depicted.

Photography and prop styling for a die-cut sticker sheet accompanied by a red envelope, both designed by Stefanie Tam.  As part of a series of red envelope and sticker sheet packs for 2025 FCWL Project, these were given away for free with store purchases to honor Chinese tradition of free lunar calendars.

Made with support by Abrons Arts Center, The W.O.W. Project, Lucky Risograph, and Midnight Project featuring 25 local small businesses in Manhattan Chinatown.